Test Coverage Demo for storybook test-runner Issue #148

storybookjs/test-runner#148 (comment)



Install NodeJS ^16.13.0


Install yarn globally npm i -g yarn

GitHub Package Registry

Login to GPR: https://docs.github.com/en/packages/guides/configuring-npm-for-use-with-github-packages


Install the dependencies


Run prepare hook manually as yarn@2 is not supporting lifetime hooks of npm Run your local storybook

yarn start

Create Test Coverage Reports

yarn run coverage

To be able to run tests, storybook yarn start must be run in a separate terminal window.

This runs jest unit tests and storybook test runner tests. The test-runner coverage json file is then converted into lcov format.

Tests coverage results merged.

Coverage results

Jest Unit tests are saved to ./coverage/unit/

Storybook test runner coverage results are saved to ./coverage/storybook

Merged test resulst are saved to ./coverage/merged

Info to validate errors mentioned in Merge results coverage ticket storybookjs/test-runner#148 (comment)

  1. run yarn run coverage
  2. Open ./coverage/unit/lcov-report/src/Navigation/NavigationRoot.ts.html
  3. Open ./coverage/storybook/lcov-report/src/Navigation/NavigationRoot.ts.html
  4. Compare file coverage and the number of total lines listed in both tests