Instructor: Andrew Burgess

React is JavaScript library for building user interfaces that has taken the web development world by storm. React is known for it's blazing-fast performance and has spawned an ecosystem of thousands of related modules on NPM, and many tooling options. However, in a community that favours choice and flexibility, it can be hard to know where to start! Not to worry, some patterns and modules have emerged as best-practices—like Redux for managing application state. In this course you'll learn all about how React, Redux and other leading modules fit together for a complete picture of app development.

In this course, Envato Tuts+ instructor Andrew Burgess will get you started building modern web apps with React and Redux. Starting from nothing, you'll use these two libraries to build a complete web application. You'll start with the simplest possible architecture, and slowly build up the app, feature by feature. You'll learn about basic concepts like tooling, reducers and routing. You'll also learn about some more advanced techniques like smart and dumb components, pure components, and asynchronous actions. By the end, you'll have created a complete flashcards app for learning by spaced repetition.

Along the way, you'll get a chance to sharpen your ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) skills and learn the patterns and modules that work best with React and Redux!

Source Files Description

This repository contains the application that we built during the course. Use this code to check your own work, or to follow along with the course.

These are source files for the Tuts+ course: Start Building Modern Web Apps With React and Redux

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