This project uses the following environment variables:
Name | Description | Default Value |
PORT | port to run the node server | 8080 |
MONGO_USER | the mongo DB user account | root |
MONGO_DATABASE | name of the DB | hotel |
MONGO_PASSWORD | database password | - |
JWT_SECRET | The secret key used to sign JWR web tokens | - |
- Install Node.js version 14.18.1
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install dependencies
cd HotelApp
npm install
npm install -g typescript
- Build and run the project (current for dev env)
npm link typescript
npm run dev
Navigate to http://localhost:8080
API Document endpoints
Graphql Endpoint : http://localhost:8080/graphql
![](./Screenshot 2022-01-02 at 22.46.50.png?raw=true "Graphql server running")
The main purpose of this repository is to show a project setup and workflow for writing Graphql with Typescript in NodeJs. It also demonstrates how code can be arranged to scale for potentially large projects.
Add Typescript to project npm
npm install -D typescript
The folder structure of this app is explained below:
Name | Description |
dist | Contains the distributable (or output) from your TypeScript build. |
node_modules | Contains all npm dependencies |
src | Contains source code that will be compiled to the dist dir |
src/config | Application configuration including environment-specific configs |
src/graphql/resolvers | graphql queries and mutations |
src/graphql/typedefs | graphql types |
src/graphql/index.ts | Entry point to graphql apollo server |
src/models | Models define schemas that will be used in storing and retrieving data from Application database |
src/services | Services hold the application logic |
src/repositories | Data repositories |
package.json | Contains npm dependencies as well as build scripts |
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es2016",
"module": "commonjs",
"outDir": "dist",
"rootDir": "./src",
"strict": true
"include": [
"exclude": [
User - holds user information (username, password, roles) Role - holds the authorities allowed in the system. The following authorities are allowed
- ROLE_USER Room - Holds information about a room. There are currently three room types.
- SINGLE (single room)
- DOUBLE (double room)
- PREMIUM (premium room) Reservation - Holds information about rooms and reservations made. A user is allowed to reserve more than one room. However, conflicting reservations are not allowed.
- User Registration Register new user into the system
- User login Login with jwt authentication
- Manage Rooms Create and update (update only available for admins) rooms
- View free rooms view free rooms for booking
- Make Reservation Login and book a room on a free room. Conflicting reservations are not allowed
- View Reservations Admin can view all reservations while user can only view theirs
Upcoming Feature
- Recommended Rooms When all rooms have been reserved, recommend rooms for user based on defined criteria (e.g add n days to the input date range and search for rooms that will be free by then)