Design and Build a simple CRUD API for todos. Each task has an id, a title and status. There are 3 values for status [In progress, done, not started]). I can only delete tasks that are done. I can update the status of a task I cannot edit the name of a task that is "done". I should be able to view tasks by Id, and by status
- POST /api/sign_up'
- POST /api/sign_in'
- POST /api/todos'
- GET /api/todos'
- GET /api/todos/:todoId/todoItems'
- GET /api/todos/:todoId'
- PUT /api/todos/:todoId'
- GET /api/todos/status/:status'
- DELETE /api/todos/:todoId'
- PUT /api/todos/:todoId/todoItems/:todoItemId'
- DELETE /api/todos/:todoId/todoItems/:todoItemId'
- Added status to todos. Status is one of [In progress, done, not started]
- Updated the create and update todo actions to create and update with status.
- Updated todos update action to only update title if todo is done
- Added middleware to validate status of todos.
- Restricted the delete functionality to only delete tasks that are done.
- Added route to get todo items by status.