
🌱This is a simple task planner app to organize your work monthly, weekly, or daily.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple task planner app to organise your work monthly, weekly or daily.
Live on Heroku: https://dhruv-todo.herokuapp.com/

Task Planner

Getting Started


  1. Clone/pull/download this repository
  2. Create a virtualenv with virtualenv env and install dependencies
  3. Configure your .env files.
  4. Activate the virtual env using Scripts/activate
  5. You've setup the virtual env and you're good to run the project.


pip install django


Go to mysite folder and run

python manage.py runserver

Then go to the browser and enter the url

This project includes:

  1. Section which tracks your daily tasks.
  2. Section which tracks your weekly tasks.
  3. Section which tracks your monthly tasks.