
React-rating-tooltip is a simple to use yet completely customizable component for getting use Rating/Reviews.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React-rating-tooltip is a simple to use yet completely customizable component for getting use Rating/Reviews.

  • Fully CSS customizable - Styles of Rating Counter, star-container, selected status and tooltip style
  • Custom position of rating counter and selected status around the Rating
  • Active(Selected) & Inactive(Unselected) components of the rating
  • Customize Tooltip, clear rating etc.


This requires [React.js and Prop-Types] to run.

npm i react-rating-tooltip


Sandbox link to Play with

How to Use

Install and import react-rating-tooltip and pass the props as per the below table

import React from 'react';
import Rating from 'react-rating-tooltip';
import 'font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css';

class SampleRating extends React.Component{

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
          max: 4,
          defaultRating: 2,
          counterPosition: 'left',
          clearRating: true,
          textPosition: 'right',
          tooltipContent: ["Very Bad", "Bad", "Fair", "Good", "Very Good"],
          ratingValue: ["Very Bad", "Bad", "Fair", "Good", "Very Good"],
          starStyle: {
              height: '28px',
              backgroundColor: '#F2F2F2',
              paddingLeft: '2px',
              paddingRight: '2px',
              color: '#F58220',
              lineHeight: '28px',
              marginLeft: '5px',
              marginRight: '5px',
          styleConfig: {
            counterStyle: {
              height: '28px',
              backgroundColor: '#F58220',
              paddingLeft: '12px',
              paddingRight: '12px',
              color: '#FFF',
              lineHeight: '28px',
            starContainer: {
              fontSize: '24px',
              backgroundColor: '#F2F2F2',
              height: '28px',
            statusStyle: {
              height: '28px',
              backgroundColor: '#F58220',
              paddingLeft: '12px',
              paddingRight: '12px',
              color: '#FFF',
              lineHeight: '28px',
              minWidth: '100px',
              fontSize: '18px',
              textAlign: 'center',
            tooltipStyle: {
              fontSize: '14px',
              padding: '5px',

      handleChange = (RatingIndex, RatingValue) => {
        console.log(RatingIndex, RatingValue);

    render() {
                max = {this.state.max}
                defaultRating = {this.state.defaultRating}
                counterPosition = {this.state.counterPosition}
                clearRating = {this.state.clearRating}
                textPosition = {this.state.textPosition}
                tooltipContent = {this.state.tooltipContent}
                styleConfig = {this.state.styleConfig}
                ActiveComponent={<i className="fa fa-star" style={this.state.starStyle} />}
                InActiveComponent={<i className="fa fa-star-o" style={this.state.starStyle} />}

export default SampleRating;


Details of the Props to be passed:

Prop-name Type Description
max Number Required. This determines the maximum number of Stars or Rating in the Component.
defaultRating Number Default value - 0. This determines the current number of selected Stars or Rating in the Component.
counterPosition String Possible Values - ['left', 'right']. This determines the position of the Rating Count in the Component. If not passed, Count will not be displayed.
textPosition String Possible Values - ['left', 'right']. This determines the position of the Rating Value (Status) in the Component. If not passed, Select value will not be displayed.
clearRating Boolean Default Value - true. This determines whether the rating can be cleared/reset. If passed true, clicking again on the same rating count will clear the rating.
disabled Boolean Default Value - false. This determines whether the rating can be enabled/disabled. If passed true, the rating component will be disabled and act as Read only component
tooltipContent Array The Array of values as tooltip. Tooltips Values are matched to Rating count based on index. If not passed, tooltip will not be added
ratingValue Array The Array of values for Rating count. Rating Values are matched to Rating count based on index. If not passed, Values will not be set
onChange Function Required. A callback function which gets two arguements on every change of Rating - Rating count, Rating Value (if passed)
ActiveComponent React/HTML Element Required. The component or element to be considered as Selected rating
InActiveComponent React/HTML Element Required. The component or element to be considered as Left-out rating
styleConfig Object See the below table for more details. Its a Nested object with specific styles for specific parts of the Component

styleConfig Details

Details of the styleConfig:

Prop-name Type Description
counterStyle Object CSS styles to be applied to the Part of the component where the Rating count is displayed
starContainer Object CSS styles to be applied to the Part of the component container where the stars/Rating is displayed
statusStyle Object CSS styles to be applied to the Part of the component where the Rating value/status is displayed
tooltipStyle Object CSS styles to be applied to the tooltips of the component

Please check the example for styleConfig



      max: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
      defaultRating: PropTypes.number,
      counterPosition: PropTypes.oneOf(['left', 'right']),
      clearRating: PropTypes.bool,
      disabled: PropTypes.bool,
      textPosition: PropTypes.oneOf(['left', 'right']),
      tooltipContent: PropTypes.array,
      ratingValue: PropTypes.array,
      styleConfig: PropTypes.shape({
        counterStyle: PropTypes.object,
        starContainer: PropTypes.object,
        statusStyle: PropTypes.object,
        tooltipStyle: PropTypes.object,
      onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
      ActiveComponent: PropTypes.oneOfType([
      InActiveComponent: PropTypes.oneOfType([


      clearRating: true,
      disabled: false,
      defaultRating: 0,
      styleConfig: {
        counterStyle: {
          height: '28px',
          backgroundColor: '#F58220',
          paddingLeft: '12px',
          paddingRight: '12px',
          color: '#FFF',
          lineHeight: '28px',
        starContainer: {
          fontSize: '24px',
          backgroundColor: '#F2F2F2',
          height: '28px',
        statusStyle: {
          height: '28px',
          backgroundColor: '#F58220',
          paddingLeft: '12px',
          paddingRight: '12px',
          color: '#FFF',
          lineHeight: '28px',
          minWidth: '100px',
          fontSize: '18px',
          textAlign: 'center',
        tooltipStyle: {
          fontSize: '14px',
          padding: '5px',


You are welcome to raise issues and PRs in the repository.