
ReactNative App that shows price information of mAssets from Mirror Protocol.

Environment Setup

    1. Setup ReactNative environment with Expo: https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup
    1. Clone this repo with git clone git@github.com:sambarboza/A-Coding-Challenge.git
    1. Using your terminal, Navigate to A-Coding-Challenge folder and run npm install
    1. Run expo start


A list of mAssets is lodaded from https://whitelist.mirror.finance/columbus.json and shown in a selector.

When a user selects a mAsset, its Oracle and TerraSwap price history will be loaded using Mirror's GraphQL data source.

Users can toggle between 1H (Hourly interval) and 1D (Daily interval). The last 8 hours of data will be loaded for the Hourly graph and 7 days of data for the Daily.