@create-soroban-dapp is both a npx script and a boilerplate dapp for kickstarting any of your ideas for a Soroban-based Dapp.
Largely inspired by the ink!athon project by Scio Labs and by @create-t3-app by T3 Open Source for the script mechanisms.
of the dapp utilizing already deployed testnet contract!
Read the docs here 📚📚
is composed of two things:
A boilerplate dapp utilizing the @soroban-react.
A npx script allowing any developer to quickstart its project via the command line and
npx create-soroban-dapp
Simply use
npx create-soroban-dapp@latest
npm create soroban-dapp@latest
Then, cd inside the new project repository.
The script in its early stage is likely to not function perfectly on every different os and configuration. If the script happens to not function properly 'please report to @benjaminsalon' on the stellar developer discord channel.
It is also possible to use the dapp boilerplate via manually cloning the repo:
git clone git@github.com:paltalabs/create-soroban-dapp.git
The dapp will then not be in the root folder, this folder is occupied by the npx script. You will find the dapp in the sub folder 'soroban-react-dapp':
cd soroban-react-dapp
From there, it is a normal nextjs app:
or npm install
or pnpm install
When deploying our contracts, we will need to the secret key of the deployer account. This secret key will be in a ignored file in ./contracts/.env
To set up your secrets do
cp contracts/.env.example contracts/.env
If you are already inside the contracts folder (due to being inside the Docker Container), just do cp .env.example .env
And then edit the .env
file, that will look like this:
# Stellar accounts Secret Keys
# RPC Setup
You can generate new Accounts and Private Keys from https://laboratory.stellar.org/#account-creator?network=test
If you plan to deploy in Mainnet, you will also need a Mainnet RPC Provider. Find one in https://app.validationcloud.io/ or in https://nownodes.io/
We will use docker-compose to get the containers up and running. This will rise a container for a local Stellar blockchain and another container with soroban-preview, which has all the necessary dependancies to deploy and interact with the contracts. Along with the dapp container that will run the front-end of the dapp.
# move to the right directory
cd soroban-react-dapp/
# Then, run the containers
docker compose up -d
# To get inside the soroban-preview container
bash run.sh
# or
# docker exec --tty --interactive soroban-contracts bash
Inside the container we can now compile the contracts, install the packages and deploy the contracts.
# move to the contracts folder
cd contracts
# build
make build
# Install dependencies and deploy the contract
yarn install
yarn deploy testnet greeting
Now we can run our frontend
# move to the parent folder
cd ..
# install the dependencies
# run the frontend in development mode
yarn dev