
Python library for exporting Mixpanel data

Primary LanguagePython


Mixpanel-S3 is a simple Python library for exporting Mixpanel data to S3. It works by pulling data via Mixpanel's export api.


Run ./mixpanelS3 -h for usage instructions. Requires that s3cmd is installed and configured properly.

usage: mixpanelS3 [-h] [--bucket BUCKET] [--apikey APIKEY]
                [--apisecret APISECRET] --startdate STARTDATE
                [--enddate ENDDATE] [--tmpdir TMPDIR] [--dry]

Retrieve data from Mixpanel. Will use the MIXPANEL_KEY, MIXPANEL_SECRET and
S3_BUCKET environment variables if they are set.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bucket BUCKET       s3 bucket
  --apikey APIKEY       mixpanel api key
  --apisecret APISECRET
                        mixpanel api secret
  --startdate STARTDATE
                        start date
  --enddate ENDDATE     end date
  --tmpdir TMPDIR       Temporary directory
  --dry                 dry-run mode

Example usage:

./mixpanelS3 --apikey MIXPANEL_API_KEY --apisecret MIXPANEL_API_SECRET --startdate 2013-08-01 \
  --enddate 2013-09-01 --bucket your_s3_bucket/some_directory

You can find your Mixpanel keys by logging into your Mixpanel account, clicking the "Account" link on the upper right corner, and then selecting the "Projects" tab.