Four common Kafka use cases:
- Source => Kafka Producer API Kafka Connect Source
- Kafka => Kafka Consumer, Producer API Kafka Streams
- Kafka => Sink Consumer API Kafka Connect Sink
- Kafka => App Consumer API
Simplify and improve getting data in and out of Kafka
Simplify transformation data with Kafka without relying on external libs
- Programmers always want to import data from the same source:
- DataBases, JDBC, Couchbase, GoldenGate, SAP HANA, Blockchain, Casandra, DynamoDB, FTP, MongoDB, MQTT, RethinkDB, Salesforce, Solar, SQS, Twitter, etc...
- Programmers always want to store data in the same sinks:
- S3, ElasticSearch, HDFS, JDBC, SAP HANA, DocumentDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB, HBase, MongoDB, Redis, Solr, Splunk, Twitter, etc...
- It is tough to archive Fault Tolerance, Idempotence, Distribution, Ordering.
- Other programmers may already have done a very good job
- Source connector to get data from Common Data Source.
- Sink Connectors to publish that data in Common Data Source.
- Make its easy for non-experienced dev to quickly get their data reliable into Kafka.
- Part of your ETL pipeline.
- Scaling made easy from small pipelines to company-wide pipelines
- Reusable code.