
A mid-semester project for Natural Language Processing course.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Bahasa Indonesia Bigram Pos-Tagger

Mid-semester project for Natural Language Processing (NLP) course - Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya

A Brief Repository Structure

    bigram_pos_tagger_demo.ipynb        # a Jupyter Notebook to demonstrate how alogrithm works
    bigram_pos_tagger.py                # main class of bigram_pos_tagger
    corpus_completed.dat                # example of corpus
    README.md                           # this file

How to use?

Check bigram_pos_tagger_demo.ipynb file to see how to use this bigram tagger.

Package used

nltk        : a Python package for handling a human-language


1. Agung Firdaus 155150200111054
2. Dese Narfa Firmansyah 155150201111153
3. Muhammad Ryandrie Satria D. 155150200111131