Cxense Insight PHP SDK

Installation via composer

In composer.json Add the SDK to your require:

"require": {
    "deseretdigital/cxense-insight-php-sdk": "~2.1"

Run composer install

If you're not familiar with composer you can read up on it here


include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use CxInsightSDK\Traffic;

$traffic = new Traffic(

// Get data for one week's time
$options = [
    'start' => strtotime('-1 week'),
    'stop' => time(),
    'fields' => [
    'filters' => [
            'type' => 'event',
            'group' => 'url',
            'items'  => ['']
    'siteIds' => [

$data = $traffic->getData($options);

For more information on options/parameters that can be sent to the cxense API see the Cxense API Wiki.

NOTE: Currently this sDK only supports the following cxense API endpoints (additional endpoints can easily be added): /traffic, /traffic/event, /traffic/data, /traffic/custom, /dmp/traffic, /dmp/traffic/event, /dmp/traffic/custom, /document/search, /document/update, /profile/content/delete, /reports/search, /reports/search/usage