
utilizes the OpenWeather API to fetch weather data for different cities

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Module #6 Challenge: Weather Dashboard


This project is a weather dashboard challenge. This project utilizes the OpenWeather API to fetch weather data for cities. It has a clean and responsive interface with dynamically updated HTML and CSS.

Implemented features:

  • when the user searches for a city, they are presented with current and future weather conditions for that city
  • each searched city is added to the user's search history
  • when a city from the search history is clicked, the user is again presented with the current and future conditions for that city
  • UV index is color coded:
    • green (low)
    • yellow (moderate)
    • orange (high)
    • reddish-pink (very high)
    • purple (extreme - stay indoors!!)
  • icons that respresent the weather conditions

In addition, I have:

  • deployed the live URL
  • utilized Bulma CSS framework for responsiveness and a more contemporary feel
  • created a "clear history" button
  • added help text corresponding to the current UV index of the city
  • modified the application to resemble the mock-up functionality

Here is the link to the completed challenge!

Table of Contents


screenshot 1 of project

screenshot 2 of project

screenshot 2 of project
