
A complete Transaction Manger API built using Django REST Framework and PostgreSQL

Primary LanguagePython

A Transaction Manager API built using Django REST Framework, PostgreSQL

Users register and create a wallet(one per user). Transactions can then be performed from one wallet to the other.


  • Authorization
  • Pagination
  • Filters
  • Throttling

1. Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Create a .env file

  • Add your django app Secret key, Database name, user and password to it as shown below
DB_NAME=<your_db_name_without quotes>

3. Database used is PostgreSQL, make sure you add your own credentials in the .env file

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        # Replace with your desired name in the .env file
        'NAME': os.environ['DB_NAME'],
        # Replace username with your user name in the .env file
        'USER': os.environ['DB_USER'],
        # Replace password with your password in the .env file
        'PASSWORD': os.environ['DB_PASSWORD'],
        # Replace with the PostgreSQL host
        'HOST': '',
        # Replace 5432 with the PostgreSQL configured port
        # in case you aren't using the default port
        'PORT': '5432',

4. Serve API on localhost:8000

python transaction_manager/manage.py runserver

5. Use postman to test it.

Extensive documentation with examples here.