Internal tools team @ Circle have a weekly learning session meeting every friday to develop me into a proficient engineer. One friday, Michal gave me an interview question and asked me to solve it live.
It was to write a program in Ruby that will transpose a matrix. I took way long to write the program and Michal had to prompt hints to me multiple times.
This was an eye opener and we felt th need to work towards improving this in a tangible measurable way.
- Brush up the basics of DSA
- Make Ruby foundations strong
- Go deeper into the Rails architecture
- Learn the tools and languages around like SQL, Javascript for wholistic development
This repository is the attempt to address this need.
Every friday, I will receive a new set of problems and I will dedicate atleast 30 mins everyday to solve them. I will upload my progress in this repo at EOD, for Michal to review/comment or just for documentation and consistency.
During the subsequent learning session, we will go through last week's programs and have interesting discussions.