
This is a Sink which reads data from Kafka Topic and Writes it to OpenTSDB.

Primary LanguageJava

Flume Kafka to Open TSDB

This sink reads data from Kafka topic and writes to OpenTSDB

To use this sink, download the repo and build code using follwing commmand

mvn clean install

Copy generated JAR and place it in FLUME_HOME/bin

Sample Conf file

# Flume config to listen to Kakfa topic and write to OpenTSDB.
flume1.sources = kafka-source-1
flume1.channels = opentsdb-channel-1
flume1.sinks = opentsdb-sink-1
# For each source, channel, and sink, set
# standard properties.
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.type = org.apache.flume.source.kafka.KafkaSource
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.zookeeperConnect = localhost:2181
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.topic = sensor
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.batchSize = 100
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.channels = opentsdb-channel-1
flume1.channels.opentsdb-channel-1.type = memory
flume1.sinks.opentsdb-sink-1.channel = opentsdb-channel-1
flume1.sinks.opentsdb-sink-1.type = in.co.hadooptutorials.flume.opentsdb.sink.HttpSink
flume1.sinks.opentsdb-sink-1.protocol  = http
flume1.sinks.opentsdb-sink-1.host  = <IP>
flume1.sinks.opentsdb-sink-1.port  = 4242
flume1.sinks.opentsdb-sink-1.path  = /api/put
flume1.sinks.opentsdb-sink-1.contentTypeHeader  = application/json
flume1.sinks.opentsdb-sink-1.acceptHeader  = application/json
# Other properties are specific to each type of
# source, channel, or sink. In this case, we
# specify the capacity of the memory channel.
flume1.channels.opentsdb-channel-1.capacity = 10000

To execute the Flume Agent, use follwing command

bin/flume-ng agent -n flume1 -c /usr/hdp/current/flume-server/conf -f /root/flume/opentsdb.conf -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console