
A preloaded Ignition Docker Development Environment

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


8.1 Build Status Docker Stars Docker Pulls

Design Group Template Image

The purpose of this image is to provide a quick way to spin up docker containers that include some necessary creature comforts for version control, theme management, and easy interaction with the required file system components for an Ignition gateway.

This image is automatically built for versions 8.1.13-8.1.36, new versions will be updated, but any features are subject to change with later versions. Upon a new pull request, if a valid build file is modified, it will trigger a build test pipeline that verifies the image still operates as expected.

If using a Windows device, you will want to Set up WSL

Getting the Docker Image

If you're looking at this repository from GitHub, note that the docker image is actually bwdesigngroup/ignition-docker, not design-group/ignition-docker.

When pulling the docker image, note that using the copy link from the home page (docker pull bwdesigngroup/ignition-docker) will automatically pull the most recent version of Ignition configured in the image. For example :latest may pull version 8.1.36 as of the time of writing.

File Access

This custom build creates a symlink in the /workdir directory to a few of the components in Ignition's data directory. This allows you to easily access the files on the host system, and simplifies the necessary .gitignore for a project. The following items are symlinked by default, and these are the environment variables that enable them:

Symlink Path Environment Variable
/usr/local/bin/ignition/data/projects SYMLINK_PROJECTS
/usr/local/bin/ignition/data/modules SYMLINK_THEMES
/usr/local/bin/ignition/data/logback.xml SYMLINK_LOGBACK

To disable one of the symlinks, set the environment variable to false. For example, to disable the symlink to the projects directory, set SYMLINK_PROJECTS=false

Note for Windows/Linux Users

In order for the symlinks to work, you must first create an empty folder adjacent to the docker-compose.yml file that has the same name as the desired bind mount. On Windows/Linux docker will automatically do everything as root, so without doing this the created file will be owned by root:root instead of user:user. On a Mac, this is not necessary, MacOS ftw.


This is a derived image of the inductiveautomation/ignition image. Please see the Ignition Docker Hub for more information on the base image. This image should be able to take all arguments provided by the base image, but has not been tested.

Environment Variables

This image also preloads the following environment variables by default:

Environment Variable Min-Version Value
IGNITION_EDITION 8.1.13 standard
GATEWAY_MODULES_ENABLED 8.1.17 alarm-notification,allen-bradley-drivers,bacnet-driver,opc-ua,perspective,reporting,tag-historian,web-developer
IGNITION_UID 8.1.13 1000
IGNITION_GID 8.1.13 1000
SYMLINK_THEMES 8.1.13 true


The included logback.xml file is a default file, it is just mapped into the working directory so that it can be customized if desired.

Additional Config Folders

Added an environment variable that allows the user to map application config files located in the data directory into the /workdir. This is customized by providing a comma separated list of folders in a string to the environment variable. For example, to map the data/notifications and data/configs folders, set the environment variable ADDITIONAL_DATA_FOLDERS=notifications,configs to the docker-compose.yml file.

Secondary Images

This image also includes a few other images that are useful for development that involves third party igniiton modules being pre-installed.


This image is a derivative of the inductiveautomation/ignition image, and includes the following modules pre-installed:

- `MQTT Transmission`
- `MQTT Engine`
- `MQTT Distributor`

It takes the IIOT_MODULES_ENABLED environment variable that is a comma separated list of modules to enable. For example, to enable all three modules, set the environment variable IIOT_MODULES_ENABLED=mqtt-transmission,mqtt-engine,mqtt-distributor to the docker-compose.yml file. This image only supports version 8.1.36, if a different version is needed, please open an issue.


This image is a derivative of the inductiveautomation/ignition image, and includes the following modules pre-installed:

  • WebService
  • Production
  • Settings and Changeover
  • Batch
  • SPC
  • Document Management
  • OEE Downtime
  • Track and Trace

It takes the MES_MODULES_ENABLED environment variable that is a comma separated list of modules to enable. For example, to enable the Settings and Changeover and Batch Procedure modules, set the environment variable MES_MODULES_ENABLED=production,batch to the docker-compose.yml file. This image only supports version 8.1.35, if a different version is needed, please open an issue.

Third Party Modules

Any additional modules outside of the native ignition ones that want to be added can be mapped into the /modules folder in the container. This is done by adding the following to the volumes section of the docker-compose.yml file:

	- ./my-local-modules:/modules

Due to the way module onboarding works, in order for it to take effect, you must restart the container after its initial creation. This can be done by running docker-compose restart from the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file.

Example docker-compose file

	  image: bwdesigngroup/ignition-docker:8.1.31
	  - 80:8088
	  # # In order to use this volume, you must first create the directory `data-folder` next to the docker-compose.yml file
	  # volumes:
	  #   - ./data-folder:/workdir
	  # environment:
	  #   - ADDITIONAL_DATA_FOLDERS=one-folder,other-folder


This repository uses pre-commit to enforce code style. To install the pre-commit hooks, run pre-commit install from the root of the repository. This will run the hooks on every commit. If you would like to run the hooks manually, run pre-commit run --all-files from the root of the repository.

Local Feature Testing

In order to test your features, you can use the following procedure to build and run your own images:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt on your host machine.

  2. Navigate to the directory containing both Dockerfile and the docker-bake.hcl

  3. Run docker build --file Dockerfile -t <your-image-name> . | docker bake -f docker-bake.hcl -

  4. In a new directory, make a docker-compose.yml file using the Example docker-compose file above substituting the value for image for <your-image-name>. See example below:

     		image: <your-image-name>
     			- 80:8088
  5. Run docker-compose up -d in the directory containing your docker-compose.yml file.

Building a pushing a specific version

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt on your host machine.
  2. Navigate to the directory containing both Dockerfile and the docker-bake.hcl
  3. Run docker buildx bake --file ./docker-bake.hcl <build-target> --push


If you have any requests for additional features, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


A big shoutout to Inductive Automation for providing the base image and Ignition software, and Kevin Collins for the original inspiration and support for this image.