
This is an example rewrite of AndroidHive's messy tutorial, accompanying the following article on Realm.

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This is a rewrite of a "Realm tutorial" on Android Hive. Unfortunately the tutorial is extremely outdated (uses 0.82.1 even though the version 3.5.0 is out!), the code is unstructured (Realm transactions inside a click listener inside a dialog created in a long click listener); and it also misuses Realm quite heavily:

  • using begin/commitTransaction() instead of executeTransaction()
  • calling refresh() even though the Realm instance is freshly open
  • the transactions are all done on the UI thread
  • the Realm instance is never closed

It also uses outdated practices or is just not up-to-date information:

  • refresh() doesn't even exist anymore, and even when it did, in this use-case it was not needed
  • uses a Migration to pre-populate the database, even though initialData() exists now
  • claims that null support for primitives isn't in, even though it was added in 0.83.0
  • the code relies on commitTransaction() immediately updating the RealmResults<T> and calling adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() manually, but that's not the case since 0.89.0 which means you need to add a change listener to the RealmResults<T> (which RealmRecyclerViewAdapter does for you automatically)

So with that in mind, this repository shows how to do these things right:

  • uses executeTransactionAsync() on the UI thread
  • uses initialData() to prepopulate the Realm
  • uses RealmManager class (a bit stub-like because I'll have to make its content not static later) to manage number of open activities
  • uses retained fragment to count open activity
  • uses retained fragment to store presenter (oh, it actually has a "presenter" instead of just throwing everything in OnClickListeners)
  • does not use Application subclass explicitly because of Firebase Crash Reporting for example creating multiple Application instances
  • uses RealmRecyclerViewAdapter with asynchronous query

So yeah, this is the interesting class:

public class RealmManager {
    static Realm realm;

    static RealmConfiguration realmConfiguration;

    public static void initializeRealmConfig(Context appContext) {
        if(realmConfiguration == null) {
            setRealmConfiguration(new RealmConfiguration.Builder(appContext).initialData(new RealmInitialData())

    public static void setRealmConfiguration(RealmConfiguration realmConfiguration) {
        RealmManager.realmConfiguration = realmConfiguration;

    private static int activityCount = 0;

    public static Realm getRealm() {
        return realm;

    public static void incrementCount() {
        if(activityCount == 0) {
            if(realm != null) {
                if(!realm.isClosed()) {
                    realm = null;
            realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();

    public static void decrementCount() {
        if(activityCount <= 0) {
            activityCount = 0;
            realm = null;

Which has its RealmConfiguration initialized in Activity.onCreate(), and the Realm instance itself is opened with RealmManager.incrementCount() from the retained fragment's constructor.

public class BooksScopeListener extends Fragment {
    BooksPresenter booksPresenter;

    public BooksScopeListener() {
        booksPresenter = new BooksPresenter();

    public void onDestroy() {

    public BooksPresenter getPresenter() {
        return booksPresenter;

Which is created in the Activity.

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        BooksScopeListener fragment = (BooksScopeListener) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("SCOPE_LISTENER");
        if(fragment == null) {
            fragment = new BooksScopeListener();
            getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(fragment, "SCOPE_LISTENER").commit();
        realm = RealmManager.getRealm();
        booksPresenter = fragment.getPresenter();

The adapter is set up like this

recycler.setAdapter(new BooksAdapter(this, realm.where(Book.class).findAllAsync(), booksPresenter));

Where the adapter is a proper RealmRecyclerViewAdapter:

public class BooksAdapter extends RealmRecyclerViewAdapter<Book, BooksAdapter.BookViewHolder> {

And the writes are from the UI thread to a background thread using executeTransactionAsync(), found in the presenter.

    Realm realm = RealmManager.getRealm();
    realm.executeTransactionAsync(new Realm.Transaction() {