In this project, you will create an application using the NASA MARS ROVER API that will feature stateless and stateful components and use inline styling for your styles.

To Begin:

Use create-react-app to begin a new project. Set up your project with components and styles folders inside of your src directory. Be sure to link all style sheets and components together before starting. Empty out your App.js component of everything in the return statement besides the main

and remove the className="App" from the
. You will need to get an API key from the NASA API website. You can put the reason for your request as anything you wish or leave it blank. NASA will populate your API KEY on the screen for you so you can copy and paste it as stated in the objectives for this project list below. Get Your NASA API Key HERE Objectives:

Create 3 components in addition to your App component each in a separate file in your components folder: GetImageForm should be a stateful smart class based component. Create a const API_KEY = "your API key pasted here"; right after the import statements with your own API KEY Paste it over the "your API key pasted here". It should house both other components (listed below) and be the only component rendered in the App render method. In the render method it should return a form. The form should have two select elements and one input element. See the HINTS below to get the code. Each input will need an onChange function to handle grabbing the data when the button is clicked. There should be a method that is bound to this called fetchRoverImage. fetchRoverImage should use a fetch call to retrieve pictures from the NASA Mars Rover API. You should use a template literal to take the number (Sols) from your form, the Rover you wish to check for pictures from, and the camera on the rover you wish to access, and apply it to the API fetch call to retrieve photos from a specific rover on a specific day with a specific camera (see HINTS below). GetImageButton should be a functional stateless component.

It should return a and receive props. It should fire the fetchRoverImage function when clicked and return the images if there were any from that day. ImageDisplay

this component should be a stateless functional component that receives the images, maps over them from props passed by the GetImageForm and displays them in a list fashion. STYLING

You will need to practice using inline styles to style this application to look nice and presentable.


You will need to implement a form using two inputs. Here is a sample for one. You will need to wire the state and onChange method to get it up and running for both. Rover

Curiosity Opportunity Spirt Camera Type FHAZ (Front Hazard) RHAZ (Rear Hazard) NAVCAM (Navigation Cam) Martian Sol: 1000-2000 Your API fetch should have a URL that can dynamically update depending on the user selection. A quick way to do this in ES6 is by using template literals. Use the following code for a few different purposes.

You can figure out the state you GetImageForm component will need. You can use the imageUrl variable to make your fetch requests. this.setState({camera:, rover: this.state.rover, sol: this.state.sol}); let cam =; let rove = this.state.rover; let num = this.state.sol;

let imageUrl =${rove}/photos?sol=${num}&camera=${cam}&api_key=${API_KEY}; Your state should provide a default value for drop down menus in case a user would submit without selecting an option.

this.state = { rover: "Curiosity", camera: "FHAZ", images: [], sol: "", } The above code should live in your fetchRoverImage method.

Hard Mode

NASA Mars Rover API

Use the NASA Mars Rover API docs to see the options for the query strings available. Add conditional statements to render tags with the cameras available to the Rover that was chosen by the user. Add other buttons with other API fetches from the Mars Rover API for different options. MarsPhotoApp