
Create an E-commerce Mock Site using React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Create an E-commerce Mock Site.

Getting Started

To get started you will need to use create-react-app to quickly scaffold a project. You should migrate your components into a components folder in the src directory and the styles into a styles folder in the src directory. Link up all pages to make sure they working and test using npm run start in the console, use Ctrl+c to exit.

You will need use npm install --save react-router-dom in the terminal to save React Router 4 to your project dependencies and make it available for import.

In your index.js file, you will need to import { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch } from react-router-dom.

You should have a component that wraps the entire application as seen in the previous two assignments - it should contain a navigation bar using NavLink components.

Your app should contain at least seven different components. The makeup and style of them are up to you but they should reflect at least 3 different categories of the e-store, along with an about page, and contact form.

You should employee the use of components in at least three of the components.

The 3 different category component should have pictures, descriptions and prices for items (at least 3 items per page). Store the data in a separate data folder and import it into the proper component.

The final project should have a professional feel with attractive styling.

Hard Mode

Add a cart component to your program, link each item from the website's different pages to be able to be purchased and stored in state and passed as props. Add the cart contents to local storage to save a user's choices. Be able to remove and change the quantity of the item in the cart.
