Links I think might be useful
- Pa11y
- Accessiblity for Teams
- A11Y Courses
- Accessible Custom Selects
- ARIA Bookmarklet - Paul J Adams
- ARIA Bookmarklet - Paciello Grooup
- ARIA Roles, States, and Propertied
- For Engineers: A Self-Paced Training Roadmap for Learning ARIA
- Creating Accessible Menus and Mega Menus
- Accessible Date Pickers
- Online A11Y Toolkit from the Government of South Australia
- Adrian Roselli
- An Intro To Screen Reader Testing for Sighted Developers
- 42 Browsers Extensions to Perform A11Y Testing
- Accessible Video Player - Plyr
- Able Player - Video/Audio
- Van11Y - Accessible components
- Focus Rings for Keyboard Interactions Only
- Dayzed - React A11Y Datepicker
- Animista - CSS Animations
- Flex Help
- Full Bleed CSS Utility
- CSS Transform Visualizer
- CSS Grid Generator
- The Hero Generator
- Modern CSS Solutions for Old CSS Problems
- The complete guide to CSS media queries
- Umar Hansa's Dev Tips
- Snapkit - CLI screenshots
- A Guide to evertyhing that can go in the
npx npkill
NPKill - show size of node_modules folder and delete