An Object-Oriented Method for Extracting Single-Object Aquaculture Ponds from 10 m Resolution Sentinel-2 Images on Google Earth Engine
This code is used in the following paper:
Authors: Boyi Li, Adu Gong, Zikun Chen, Xiang Pan, Lingling Li, Jinglin Li, and Wenxuan Bao
Paper link:
If you find this code to be useful for your research, please consider citing:
Li, B.; Gong, A.; Chen, Z.; Pan, X.; Li, L.; Li, J.; Bao, W. An Object-Oriented Method for Extracting Single-Object Aquaculture Ponds from 10 m Resolution Sentinel-2 Images on Google Earth Engine. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 856.
The code can be run on Visual Studio Code or Google Colab after code edit.
You will get the single-object aquaculture ponds extraction result.
Functions packaged for the method.