
spline-ios library (https://github.com/splinetool/spline-ios) in RN 0.73.1 & React 18.2.0 Legacy Native Components

Primary LanguageObjective-C

This is a new React Native project, bootstrapped using @react-native-community/cli.

Spline for React Native (iOS Only)

Welcome to Spline for React Native! This guide will walk you through integrating Spline, a powerful tool for 3D scene creation, with React Native for iOS applications.

Getting Started

Before you begin, ensure you have React Native environment set up. If you haven't done so, follow the instructions up to "Creating a new application" on the React Native Environment Setup.


Xcode installed on a Mac (for iOS development). An initialized React Native project.

Step 1: Install dependencies

npm install # Using npm
# OR
yarn install # Using Yarn

Step 2: Run Your Application

Start Metro Bundler First, start Metro, the JavaScript bundler for React Native:

npm start # Using npm
# OR
yarn start # Using Yarn

Start iOS App

In a new terminal window, launch your iOS app:

npm run ios # Using npm
# OR
yarn ios # Using Yarn

The iOS Simulator should open with your app running.

Step 3: Using SplnView

SplnView is your gateway to incorporating Spline into React Native. Here's how to use it:

Add SplnView.swift to Your iOS Project:

Include the SplnView.swift file in your Xcode project. Ensure it's targeted to your React Native project. Use a bridging header if needed for Swift and Objective-C integration.

Customizing SplnView

Modify SplnView.swift to suit your needs:

Open SplnView.swift in Xcode. Adjust its properties, methods, or add new functionalities. Troubleshooting

If you encounter issues:

  1. Check your Xcode project setup for Swift and React Native.
  2. Ensure Spline Runtime is installed and configured correctly.
  3. Confirm the Spline scene URL is valid.

Additional Resources

Spline Documentation - Learn more about Spline.

React Native Documentation - Deep dive into React Native.


This guide provides a basic framework for integrating Spline with React Native in iOS. For advanced use cases, explore detailed Spline documentation and React Native's extensive resources.