
fitting issues in Fuji/v2.0 and/or Iron/v1.0

moustakas opened this issue · 2 comments

  • fastspec-main-dark-25895-39627685651024930- [SIII] is dropped

Screenshot 2023-03-24 at 8 33 47 AM

I looked at this object in iron and [SIII] 9532 gets dropped not because of a bug but because it's too close to the edge of the spectral range. In the main branch, the redshifted line-center can't be within 5 Angstrom of either edge of the spectrum, which is perhaps too conservative. Here's the fit with a 0-Angstrom padding (which isn't great, but at least the line doesn't get dropped...)

Screenshot 2023-07-21 at 3 29 34 PM

For the record, here's what I ran:

source /global/cfs/cdirs/desi/software/ main
module load fastspecfit/main

fastspec /global/cfs/cdirs/desi/spectro/redux/guadalupe/healpix/main/dark/258/25895/redrock-main-dark-25895.fits \
  --targetids 39627685651024930 -o fastspec.fits --verbose
fastspecfit-qa fastspec.fits

Addressed in 8db4dbd.