Fast spectral synthesis and emission-line fitting of DESI spectra.
- 11
Wish list of outputs for a QSO VAC
#112 opened by paulmartini - 1
- 1
g, r, z bandpass functions
#184 opened by jere1882 - 0
Resolution matrix & subpixel structure
#183 opened by segasai - 0
use Monte Carlo loop to estimate uncertainties
#182 opened by moustakas - 1
- 1
bug: if one component of a doublet is dropped, the second one isn't (necessarily)
#172 opened by moustakas - 1
- 0
- 5
Issue with Smooth Continuum in FastSpecFit
#171 opened by Ragadeepika-Pucha - 1
adopt FastSpecFit to run on SDSS spectroscopy (or adopt SDSS spectroscopy to run on FastSpecFit)
#170 opened by moustakas - 0
- 0
handle double-peaked AGN
#167 opened by moustakas - 0
- 2
Spike in sigma distribution of some narrow lines at ~600
#122 opened by VFawcett - 3
LOGMSTAR values 0.5 dex higher than SDSS MPA-JHU
#159 opened by dirkscholte - 9
- 2
- 0
add interactive 2D scatterplot option to web-app
#163 opened by moustakas - 0
add healpix NSIDE to the documentation
#162 opened by tanveerkarim - 0
bug: sorting doesn't work with uploaded catalog
#161 opened by moustakas - 6
how to handle the large number of QA files for public release of the fastspecfit VACs
#106 opened by moustakas - 10
- 1
Running FastSpecFit on daily
#153 opened by fprada - 1
Add the `templates ` module into
#144 opened by WenkeRen - 3
Error when using the stackfitting routine
#154 opened by dirkscholte - 3
Fastspecfit V2.0 does not detect many Broad-Ha candidates that were originally detected in V1.0
#118 opened by Ragadeepika-Pucha - 13
ensure the correct QSO redshifts are being used
#149 opened by moustakas - 0
Question : which spectra are you modeling ?
#150 opened by erwanp - 22
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- 4
- 1
- 8
missing imaging photometry in metadata table
#121 opened by moustakas - 1
#134 opened by moustakas - 2
- 2
fitting issues in Fuji/v2.0 and/or Iron/v1.0
#111 opened by moustakas - 1
use read-only mount-point
#130 opened by moustakas - 4
Signal-to-noise ratio of narrow-line emission
#124 opened by yuvoonng - 2
emission-line amplitudes are modified by resampling and convolution in unexpected ways
#139 opened by moustakas - 2
boxflux is incorrect
#138 opened by moustakas - 3
review the handling of IGM attenuation
#123 opened by moustakas - 2
- 1
release 9010 vs 9012 bug
#129 opened by moustakas - 2
Break in stellar masses at z~0.27
#125 opened by ameliesaintonge - 0
Documentation for stacks input of fastspecfit
#126 opened by dirkscholte - 1
Tied [OII]7320/[OII]7330 flux ratio inverted
#119 opened by dirkscholte - 0
Add unit test for fitting of stacked spectra
#117 opened by dirkscholte - 1
Add link to prospect page in the web app
#110 opened by stephjuneau - 2
update the database used by the webapp
#105 opened by moustakas