
TypeScript / JavaScript Boilerplate for HackerRank or similar coding tests

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JS/TS Boilerplate for HackerRank (or similar coding tests)

Build Status


# Install dependencies
npm i

TypeScript Development

  • TypeScript source files should be placed in directories with _ts suffix. JavaScript files in these directories will be ignored by git (.gitignore).

  • JavaScript files will be ignored by TypeScript compiler (tsconfig.json).

  • Transpiled JavaScript will be created side-by-side in *.ts files.

# Compile TypeScript
tsc -p .

# Start TypeScript compiler in 'watch' mode
npm run dev

Running Code

Inputs can be created as text files to be piped as stdin.

# TypeScript (assuming source is compiled, see above)
node _template_ts < _template_ts\in.txt

# JavaScript
node _template_js < _template_js\in.txt

# To pipe output to a file (note that the out.txt will be created in current directory)
node _template_ts < _template_ts\in.txt > out.txt

To diff both files, use VS Code file compare feature by selecting both files and choose Compare Selected in the context menu.


The profiles Debug TS and Debug JS are defined in .vscode/launch.json for debugging TypeScript and JavaScript source respectively. Open the source file before starting the debug session. The content of in.txt will be piped in as stdin. Input needs to be piped to stdin in the debug session.

Unit Tests

The project is setup with Mocha test framework for unit testing. Tests should be suffix with .test.js or .test.ts, See .mocharc.json.

# Run all tests (TypeScript will be compiled first)
npm test

# Run all tests in watch mode
npm run test:watch


npm run lint

ESLint is configured with recommended ruleset. See .eslintrc.js for details.