Make jump to character easier.
Run command:
:CocInstall coc-smartf
in your vim.
" press <esc> to cancel.
nmap f <Plug>(coc-smartf-forward)
nmap F <Plug>(coc-smartf-backward)
nmap ; <Plug>(coc-smartf-repeat)
nmap , <Plug>(coc-smartf-repeat-opposite)
augroup Smartf
autocmd User SmartfEnter :hi Conceal ctermfg=220 guifg=#6638F0
autocmd User SmartfLeave :hi Conceal ctermfg=239 guifg=#504945
augroup end
: timeout for jump in milliseconds, default1000
: Jump to first available character on trigger, defaulttrue
: Consider first word character for jump only, default:true
: Characters will not become a character for navigator, default: [].
You need to disable neovim's built-in JSON syntax and conceal feature (it can automatically hide quotes). Put
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.json setfiletype disabled
at the beginning of your init.vim
. Setting the conceallevel to 0 doesn't work.