
UM Scraper scrapes all staffs names, ptj (faculty), jab (department), details and images

umscraper is a small GoLang web scraper package to scrape all UM's staffs info.

Exported variables and functions implemented till now :

func ScrapePtjJabTable(time.Duration) [][]string {} // Concurrently scrapes full list of (Ptj, Jab) pairs. Returns the table with headers [PtjCode, PtjText, JabCode, JabText].
func ScrapeStaffTable([][]string time.Duration) [][]string {} // Concurrently scrapes all staff's profiles. Return a table with headers [PtjCode, PtjText, JabCode, JabText, Name, NameQueryEsc, Details...]
func WriteCsv([][]string, string) {} // Writes a table of [][]string into specified filename.
func ReadCsv(string) [][]string {} // Reads a table of [][]string from specified filename.


The scraped data are in this repository desmondyeoh/umscraper-data

  • ptjJabTable.csv has the full list of (Ptj, Jab) pairs with columns {ptjCode, ptjText, jabCode, jabText}
  • staffTable.csv has the full staff list with columns {ptjCode, ptjText, jabCode, jabText, name, nameQueryEsc, details...}
    • img/<ptjCode>/<nameQueryEsc>.jpg can be used to find the staff's respective image file.
  • img/ has all the staff images files, organised into ptjCode folders.


Install the package using the command

go get


Check out the examples/ folder for a quick getting started example!


This package was developed in my free time. However, contributions from everybody in the community are welcome, to make it a better web scraper. If you think there should be a particular feature or function included in the package, feel free to open up a new issue or pull request.