Cross chain link contracts

Cross chain link contracts is a set of contracts to create chain link via Wormhole from Wormhole bridged chains.


Chain Chain ID Contract Address
Polygon Testnet Mumbai 0xff7aD632d39D169E2595Cc87591191a5F54E48A5
Terra Testnet pisco-1 terra18sy2gpk9w308e9k7dz8l64v4x78344kv5apz5fylr7cdnscvtuss6q8m9e

Channel to Desmos: channel-513

Quick start

  1. Setup .env using .env.sample inside scripts/
  2. Get faucet on three chains: EVM testnet, Terra2 testnet, Desmos testnet
  3. Create Desmos profile using DESMOS_MNEMONIC
  4. Run yarn demo to pass IBC packet
  5. Wait for script finished then the new chain link will be created