This app displays a random greeting and works as the visual part for a separate hello-react-rails back-end project. Built with React.
- React.js
- Redux
- To ensure the app works correctly in your computer first run
rails s
in the Hello Rails-React (Back-end) project so it runs in hostlocalhost:3000
. Then. runnpm start
in the Hello Rails-React (Front-end) project so it runs in hostlocalhost:3001
so the fetch of the API works properly.
npm i react-router-dom
npm i @reduxjs/toolkit
npm i react-redux
Follow these steps on your console to properly clone this repository on your desktop:
$ cd desktop
$ git clone 'repo_path'
$ cd 'repo_name'
$ code .
Run 'ruby file_name' to see outputs in the console.
Run 'rubocop' to check linter offenses.
You can create a new react-redux proyect with the following command:
npx create-react-app my-app --template redux
You can setup the react-redux in an existing proyect with the following command:
npx create-react-app . --template redux
👤 Guishny Desor
- GitHub: @desorgui
- Twitter: @DGuishny
- LinkedIn: Guishny Desor
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.