
Primary LanguageRuby


External dependencies

This web application is written with Ruby using the Ruby on Rails framework and a MySQL database. You need the latest Ruby version for the application to work

  • To install rvm , visit RVM
  • To install this ruby version, you can run the command below but you can use other channels to install it as well e.g. rbenv. rvm install ruby-2.6.3
  • To install MySQL, run brew install postgres To know more about Ruby or Rails visit Ruby Lang or Ruby on Rails.


Please make sure you have Ruby(v 2.6.3) and PostgreSQL installed. Take the following steps to setup the application on your local machine:

  1. Run git clone https://github.com/despeauxz/Quidax.git
  2. Run bundle install to install all required gems
  3. Run cp config/application.yml.sample config/application.yml to create the application.yml file. Note Update the MySQL username and password if you have one


Configuring the Database

  • After creating your config/application.yml, you need to create these 2 databases Quidax and Quidax_test. To create them, run: rails db:migrate

Configuring Host

  • on Mac, run sudo nano /etc/hosts.
  • Edit the terminal and include gusto.test to the list of hosts
  • Save changes and exit the terminal
  • Run rails s to start the application
  • Visit: http://gusto.test:3000


  • Run test with rspec spec