dnsmasq alternative

This is a set of tools aimed to replace dnsmasq and other stuff related to network.

This was made in El Gouna, using Ubuntu 16.04.

Setup the Network

All you need is a bridge which will contains wireless card and ethernet card and enable the router feature.

First, install the tools: apt-get install bridge-utils nftables

Simply add a bridge to the network configuration (/etc/network/interfaces):

auto br0
iface br0 inet static
  bridge_ports eno1

install zerotier

curl -s https://install.zerotier.com/ | bash

Firewall rules

In the PoC used in El Gouna, the firewall was setup using nftables. The ruleset can be found on the nftables.conf file.

This firewall rules makes transparent redirections and some basic filtering. Apply it at the end to make the redirections works when all the proxies are set up.

cp /opt/dnsmasq-alt/nftables.conf /etc/
sed -i 's/$waniface/WAN_INTERFACE/g' /etc/nftables.conf
sed -i 's/$range/192.168.86/g' /etc/nftables.conf
#run the rules
nft -f /etc/nftables.conf
#list the rules
nft list ruleset

To flush all:

nft flush ruleset

Add this to /etc/rc.local to enable routing:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
nft -f /etc/nftables.conf

zerotier-one -d
zerotier-cli join e5cd7a9e1ceb010b

Note: replace eno1 with your local interface of course.

  • You can (need) reboot now to make sur all is applied.
  • do not replace if you don't have a local LAN ethernet card

install jumpscale

rm -f install.sh
export JSBRANCH="8.2.0_ays_noHrd"
curl -k https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jumpscale/jumpscale_core8/$JSBRANCH/install/install.sh?$RANDOM > install.sh
bash install.sh

Get This Repo

Clone this repo on the router, then to make it easy, make a symlink to access it in a safe way (to follow this README correctly):

mkdir -p /opt/code/github/jumpscale
cd /opt/code/github/jumpscale
git clone https://github.com/despiegk/smartproxy
ln -s /opt/code/github/jumpscale/smartproxy /opt/dnsmasq-alt

It's useful to run every daemons in a tmux session to be able to watch them easier.


The DNS server/forwarder/filter is based on dnslib.

  • Start the DNS server (in a tmux): jspython /opt/dnsmasq-alt/dns-server.py

For now, this dns-code is a dns-forwarder with cache (using j.core.db) and hit count.

You can get some statistics with /opt/dnsmasq-alt/dns-stats.py script.

Wifi dongle

In El Gouna, we used a rtl871x based usb-dongle. Like most of realtek dongle, some patch need to be applied.

The configuration of hostapd is stored in wifi-special-dongle/hostapd.conf and there is a bash script used to install drivers, compile and patch hostapd to make it works.

You can run it: cd /opt/dnsmasq-alt/wifi-special-dongle/ && bash -x setup.sh

For information, dongle usb ID is 0bda:818b.

to check that the interface is there do


need to find '0bda:818b'

  • Change the interface name in the configuration file: /opt/dnsmasq-alt/wifi-special-dongle/hostapd.conf
  • to see the interface to 'ip a'

Run hostapd (in a tmux): /opt/netpoc/hostapd-2.6/hostapd/hostapd /opt/dnsmasq-alt/wifi-special-dongle/hostapd.conf

Note: you will need to change the wireless interface in the config file. Note2: it's possible that the interface doesn't join the bridge itself, if it's the case (brctl show will tell you if the interface is plugged in br0), add it manually: brctl addif br0 INTERFACE

HTTP/HTTPS transparent proxy

Some http(s) filtering was made with mitmproxy.

  • Install mitm
set -ex
apt-get install python-pip python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev
pip3 install cffi
#pip3 install git+https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy.git
pip3 install mitmproxy
  • Start the server (in a tmux):
source /opt/jumpscale8/env.sh
cd /opt/dnsmasq-alt
mitmdump -T -d -p 8443 -s http-filter-new.py


#stream files +1 MB
mitmdump -T -d -d -p 8443 -s /opt/dnsmasq-alt/http-filter.py --stream 1m

#no transparant mode (without -T)
cd /opt/dnsmasq-alt
python3 mitmproxy_start.py -d -d -p 8443 -s /opt/dnsmasq-alt/http-filter.py --stream 1m

http-filter.py is in this repository and is used to make some content filtering. When the proxy is running, go to mitm.it special url and install the certitifcate.

You can get some statistics via the /opt/dnsmasq-alt/http-stats.py script.


For now, we still use the mainstream dhcp server. This gonna change. But for now...

  • Install the dhcp server: apt-get install isc-dhcp-server
  • Edit /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf and add this block at the end:
subnet netmask {
  option domain-name-servers;
  option subnet-mask;
  option routers;
  option broadcast-address;
  default-lease-time 600;
  max-lease-time 7200;
  • Apply some fix on the config:
set -ex
sed -i 's/^option domain-name/#option domain-name/g' /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
#Set interface to startup options: 
sed -i 's/INTERFACES=""/INTERFACES="br0"/g' /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server
#Restart the server: 
/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server restart