
Periodically poll a Github pull request and merge it automatically if all checks pass

Primary LanguagePython


Periodically poll a Github pull request and merge it automatically if all checks pass.


  • python3


  1. Create a personal access token at https://github.com/settings/tokens.
  2. export GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN='...'
    • Tip: Save the export command in your .bashrc.
    • Or save it in a file named env and before running mergebot.py remember to source ./env.
  3. python3 mergebot.py <URL of your Pull Request>.
    • Example: python3 mergebot.py https://github.com/owner/repo/pull/1234

The script will poll the PR status every 5 minutes. It will notify you if the PR is not mergeable or if some checks have failed. If the PR is mergeable, it will merge it and quit.