Shellcode_IA32 is a dataset consisting of challenging but common assembly instructions, collected from real shellcodes, with their natural language descriptions. The dataset can be used for neural machine translation tasks to automatically generate software exploits from natural language.
- Alex-Ruan
- andrewblountBiocurrent, Inc.
- br0kejThe Alan Turing Institute
- Ch3nYeBeijing
- csaveanu
- cxl1029
- damicoac
- dannyp777
- dcotroneo
- dlea8
- ebigram
- edisona
- fabriciojocTodyl
- firebitsbrUniverse
- HakeemDemiLondon UK
- hastalamuerte
- he0x
- kemolo
- kmheckelUniversity of Cambridge
- littlehorn110204
- Loki629
- macc1989
- NTDXYGNanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- piliguoriUniversity of Naples Federico II
- Portocash
- rb-x::1
- SecLoop
- shumailaahmed
- simonecoccoIMQ Minded Security
- sinaahmadiGeorge Mason University
- spider1-dev
- taisazeroPhD Student - UNC@Charlotte
- theoyuandawangIIE
- xierbut
- xinjin95The Ohio State Univerisity