
Settings We Use in Our Tooling

MIT LicenseMIT

Settings We Use in Our Tooling

Welcome to our Git repository (repo) on GitHub, where we manage and share the settings for various* tools used across our projects.

Link to the Git repo: github.com/destacks/settings

*Currently, this repo only contains the Visual Studio Code (VS Code) settings in the vscode folder. These settings help maintain consistency across our development environment and align with our project's coding standards.

VS Code Settings

We have provided a detailed settings.json file that can be used to configure your VS Code instance to match our preferred setup.

Installation Guide: github.com/destacks/settings/blob/main/vscode/README.md


This repo will be expanded in the future to include settings and configurations for other tools we utilize in our workflows.


If you have any suggestions or improvements, please feel free to create an issue before submitting a pull request.


This repo is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.