
This repo contains a script to clean and summarize a dataset of activity measurements from a Samsung Galaxy S smartphone.

Initial Data

The data used for this course project was downloaded from this address. And here is the full description of the initial data To run run_analysis.R the dataset needs be be downloaded and unzipped in this repository's main directory. The directory name should be "UCI HAR Dataset".


The code to clean and summarize the intial data into a single tidy dataset is contained in run_analysis.R. The following steps are performed in the code:

  • Load and combine the data

Each observation is split into 3 file: the phone data, the subject number, and the activity number. Additionally, the data are split into two sets: training and test for six total files:

  • test/X_test.txt: test phone data
  • test/y_test.txt: test activity numbers
  • test/subject_test.txt: test subject numbers
  • train/X_train.txt: training phone data
  • train/y_train.txt: training activity numbers
  • train/subject_train: training subject numbers

For this project I combined the phone, subject, and activity data into a dataframe by adding the subject and activity data as new columns. I then concatenated the rows of the training and test datframes to create a single dataframe.

  • Load and process the feature names

    The names of the features are stored in features.txt. After loading those, I extracted the features that contain the mean or standard deviation of a measurement, while keeping the activity and subject identifiers. Using the index of the feature names that were retained, I selected a subset of columns from the large dataframe.

  • Reformat the Feature Names

    The names of the features that come with the data are quite short and not always clear. Using a number of regex replacements, I coaxed the names to be more descriptive. I also removed the hyphens, parentheses, and inserted underscores to make the feature names easier to read.

  • Insert Feature Names into datafram

    The work thus far had the feature names in a separate list from the large data frame. I replaced the column names with the much more descriptive feature names.

  • Load Activity Names and Insert into dataframe.

    The activity data in y_train.txt and y_test.txt are numbers corresponding to the activities listed in activity_labels.txt At this point, I loaded activity_labels.txt into a small dataframe and use a join to insert the activity name as a new column. I also removed the activity number column as it is was redundant with the activity name.

  • Extract the mean value for each Subject/Activity Pair

    For the course project, we were assigned to produce a tidy dataset of the mean values of each of the features the the large dataset for each Subject/Activity Pair. This means that for each activity, there is an average value of each feature for each subject. To accomplish this, I used the melt and dcast functions from the reshape2 pacakge. Using Melt with the subject and activity columns as keys converts the dataframe into a tall dataset with only 4 columns: Subject, Activity, Variable, Value. I oculd then use dcast (specifying mean and the aggregate function) to return a new data frame with the mean of each Variable (feature) for each combination of subject and activity. This dataframe was the goal.

  • Export!

    I used write.table to export the small tidy dataset to submit for grading.


This is the tidy dataset I submitted for grading

This code book describes the contents of the feature_averages data.