Benchmarks of the longest path problem in various languages

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Benchmarks of the longest path problem in various languages

sh runbench.sh 8981 x86 x86html to run the benchmark locally. sh runArmBench.sh 8981 to run the benchmark on an ARM device (edit the script to set the ssh and path settings) sh resdiff.sh x86 arm > diffgraph.html to create the diff table python makeblog.py to make the blog

Where 8981 is the distance of the longest path in the graph

If you want to make a new graph:

/mkgraph -places=NUM_NODES -worldsize=WORLD_SIZE, where NUM_NODES is the number of nodes in the graph, and WORLD_SIZE is the maximum distance between nodes. Each node has at least one connection, to the next node, and will on average have NUM_NODES/2 connections. Graphs are directed; a path of length N from Node1 to Node2 doesn't imply a similar path from Node2 to Node1.