
your personal openai/gpt-4/gpt-3 client.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0



An open-source ChatGPT UI alternative. Fork of Chatpad AI

install on space


  • ✅ Access to GPT-3.5 / GPT-4 APIs
  • 💽 Unlimited chats and messages
  • 📝 Reuseable prompts and writing styles
  • 🥸 Incognito mode for your private chats
  • ↩️ One-click undo message & edit chats
  • 🌍 Share your chats with the world

Note: requires your own OpenAI API key


Dialogue is a fork of Chatpad AI with modfications to make it run on Deta Space and various changes and new features like "Incognito Mode", shared chats and a reworked prompts system. It is built on top of the amazing work done by @deiucanta and contributors.