
Lameness Reduction Party website

Primary LanguageJavaScript


My fucking website


clone from GIT

git clone git@github.com:dethbird/dethbird.com.git workstation
cd workstation


Composer install base required libs for the build script to function:

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install

Copy .env from .env.shadow and edit values

cp .env.shadow .env
vim .env

Build script


php scripts/build.php --help

displays help:

     Clear cache and reset permissions of cache directory

     Publish configs from .env

     Build .css files from .less

     Show the help page for this command.

     Broswerify and minify the js

--js-page/--javascript-page <argument>
     File in "src/frontend/js/pages/<page>.js" to build

     Install node modules from package.json

     PHP/Composer install

     Uglify the compiled js (leave empty in dev)


build production:

All the options for the first time build.

php scripts/build.php --cache --configs --npm --js --php --ugly


chmod 755 dethbird.com
cd dethbird.com
chmod 755 public/
chmod 644 public/index.php public/.htaccess