
aas24-aas-malware-aas-malware-pe created by GitHub Classroom

MIT LicenseMIT

Windows Malware Portable Executable

The original page for the dataset can be found here: link.


A dataset for Windows Portable Executable Samples with two feature sets. It contains two CSV files, one CSV file per feature set. The original dataset contains four feature sets.

  • First feature set (DLLs_Imported.csv file) contains the DLLs imported by each malware family. The first column contains SHA256 values, second column contains the label or family type of the malware while the remaining columns list the names of imported DLLs.

  • Second feature set (API_Functions.csv files) contains the API functions called by these malware alongwith their SHA256 hash values and labels.

Malware Classes (Type field):

  • 0 -> Benign
  • 1 -> RedLineStealer
  • 2 -> Downloader
  • 3 -> RAT
  • 4 -> BankingTrojan
  • 5 -> SnakeKeyLogger
  • 6 -> Spyware