
Comparaison de différentes utilisations de MobilityDB

Primary LanguagePHP

Processing a spatio-temporal data stream with PostgreSQL

This repository contain all code used to reply to this problem. See the report to have all information about this project.

Table of contents

General informations

Different tests (and so solution) have been set up during this work. Here is the different program that have been considered:

Three different server have been used:

  • Geodata: ULB server in production to fetch and process data
  • Tristan23: ULB server to set up solution (before to push it on Geodata)
  • Private: Own server used to install web view

Data source

The main source of data come from MTA (New York). But in general, all solution follow GTFS format.

Differents programs/solutions in different folder

Each folder contain a README (if necessary) to explain more information about this program

Multiple files to setup database and fetch data to make the comparison. Finally, it is not this code that was used to make the comparisons (many operations by hand) but it still contains the generation code.
This code use another repository: https://github.com/detobel36/gtfs_SQL_importer

Contains report to explain how to use these files.

The folder "Tool" contains files used in "production" to treat MTA data with a custom Barefoot version.

Contains all files used to display PostgreSQL content on web.

Litle Java program to read GTFS backup file and execute SQL query

Script to set up and launch barefoot