
Project for Data Warehouse cours

Data Warehouse - TPC-DI



This project have be done with Visual Studio 2017 and a Microsoft SQL Database.


  • First download the TPC-DI tool and generate data.
  • Save the generated data in the following folder: C:\Users\Public\Documents\TPC-DI\Batch1 (see "Configuration" point for more informations).
  • Copy also the file CustomerMgmt.xsd (in the same folder).
  • Create a database destination_di on your local database and execute the file createTables.sql.


  • Database
    This project work with Microsoft SQL Database. This database is in localhost (use hostname .).
  • Files
    All the files are store at the same place (which not user dependant). Indeed, we choose a "public" folder: C:\Users\Public\Documents\TPC-DI\Batch1
