
Reverse engineering of Google's Bard API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Reverse engineering of Google's Bard chatbot API


 $ npm install break-bard --save


Go to https://bard.google.com/

  • F12 for console
  • Copy the values
    • Session: Go to Application → Cookies → __Secure-1PSID. Copy the value of that cookie.


const Bard = require("break-bard")

const bard = new Bard(process.env.BARD_SESSION);
(async () => {

   const result = await bard.ask("What is the meaning of life?");
   console.log("Result:", result);

Known Errors

  • Using a vpn to an unsupported country would break when you initialize Bard
  • Multiple Request at the same time will fail (possible fix : hide request behind queue)

Credits: -- acheong08 - Derivative of his python version