
This WPF library makes it possible to animate any Matrix, Point or Rectangle of your choice. Instead of directly interpolating the property the library makes a callback using a specified lambda each frame.

Primary LanguageC#


WPF has an excellent animation library. It has a shortcoming in the fact that it only animates dependency properties. This library makes it possible to animate any Matrix, Point or Rectangle of your choice. Instead of directly interpolating the property the library makes a callback using a specified lambda each frame.

WPF does not provide true Matrix interpolation so this library includes one.

        // create animator
        var animator = new DLAnimator();
        // animate from 1,0,0,1,0,0
        var fromMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
        // set a fancy to value
        var toMatrix = new Matrix(2, 2, -2, 2, 40, 40);
        // library uses WPF easing functions
        var easing = new ElasticEase();
        // add animations to animator
        // lambda will be called with interpolated value each frame
        animator.Add(new DLMatrixAnimation(fromMatrix, toMatrix, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), o =>
                var current = (Matrix) o;
                _matrixTransform.Matrix = current;
                label.Content = current;
            }, easing));
        // start the animation