
the simplest color picker

Primary LanguageC

Created this repo so I don't lose this gem. It was written by Muhammd A Muquit 20 years ago, and serves the purpose perfectly.

I edited the X include and lib paths in the Makefile so it runs on OpenBSD. If you have X it should run on most BSD/Linux.

A simple program to determine the color string in hex by clicking on a pixel.

  When this program is run, the mouse pointer is grabbed and changed to
  a cross hair and when the mouse is clicked, the color of the clicked
  pixel is written to stdout in hex prefixed with #

  This program can be useful when you see a color and want to use the
  color in xterm or your window manager's border but no clue what the
  name of the color is. It's silly to use a image processing software
  to find it out.

To compile, at the shell prompt, type:
Muhammd A Muquit

March 16, 1997
(a quick hack on my home linux box)