- setup_networking role installs and configures Uncomplicated Firewall, along with other networking stuff
- nginx_django role installs and configures Nginx server instance and Django "Hello World" application
- apache_php role installs and configures Apache server instance and PHP "Hello World" application
- tor_conn role installs tor and connects server to Tor network
- check vars.yaml to customize role configuration
- after running playbook server hostname is in /var/lib/tor/onion_service/hostname
- Ansible >= 2.5.0
- Python3 on controlled machine
ansible all -m ping -u <user> -i <vps-ip>,
- pings vps server without the need to set up inventory
ansible-playbook main.yaml --private-key <path> -u <user> -b -i <vps-ip>,
- requires that main.yaml has hosts: all (be carefull if you have inventory set up)
- key needs proper perms
chmod 0400 key.pem
- (b)ecome using sudo by default for all tasks