Technical test for the position of Sr. Flutter Developer
Develop an application consuming APIs that allows validating the knowledge of the candidate.
- State management with Cubit
- Dependency injection with Get_it
- Implementation of Clean Architecture with Flutter
- API requests using HTTPS
- Validate if a device has internet access
- Unit Tests
- Code coverage
- The programming principles S.O.L.I.D.
- Folder structure
- Implementation of use cases
- Repository pattern and its data sources
- Responsive design for web and phones
For this project I decided to use a clean architecture model divided into three layers: data, domain and presentation (UI), the common elements are found in the core layer.
This is a project made with Flutter, you must first download the framework from here.
Run these commands in your terminal
Launch an emulator or connect an android or iOS device to your pc
git clone
cd ravn_code_challenge
flutter packages get
flutter run
If you want to run this project on web run this command:
$ flutter run -d chrome
For more examples you can see the online documentation, with tutorials, examples, development guides, and the API documentation.