
A compiler using js to Cafezinho language.

Primary LanguageYacc

You can find me at https://github.com/Haffy/3-3-Compiler

3<3 Compiler

A compiler using JS to Cafezinho language.

To Run be sure that nodejs is installed

sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
sudo apt-get install npm

Now install jison and used packages

npm install jison
npm install fs

Open the dir

cd 3-3-Compiler

To generate grammar.js use

jison grammar.jison

To run an example

node codegen.js geracaoCodigo/fatorialCorreto.txt
  • This will return the code in JS, then copy the code, you can run this code in https://jsfiddle.net/ , paste the code in the javascript area;

  • Open the browser console with right click anywhere and inspect element, then click in console tab.

  • Now click in run on jsfiddle

  • Now you can cry a lot because we dont have a symbol table yet, all that we do is translate(using a AST - abstract sintax tree), from cafezinho to JavaScript.

Thanx; kisses; vlw flw.