
A simple flappy bird game, written in Python, where the player is AI.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AI plays-python

A simple flappy bird game, written in Python, where the player is AI.

A flock of birds will try to survive in this game (rather environment), the best ones will continue, rest will die. Much like our evolution :)

It uses the concept of Evolutionary artificial neural networks (EANNs), or Evolving Neural Networks. I did this project mainly to get some idea of neural networks, machine learning in a somewhat interesting way. I used this article a lot, and also studied some free content whatever I could get on the internet :)

Wrote this a couple of months back, around May and uploading this on November. There are places, where this codebase and the simulation can be improved.... Suggestions, bug-reports, bug-fixes are always welcome :)

How to play

Assuming that you have python installed properly...

  1. Clone this repo or use the code button in github and download the zip (see this)

  2. Create a virtual environment (recommended), so that there will be no conflicts between previously installed packages and the packages we will install now. At first cd into the downloaded repo, then issue the command: python3 -m pip venv

  3. Depending on the OS, the command to activate your virtual environment will be: .\venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 (issue a PR if something is wrong here) or source venv\bin\activate (On closing the terminal the virtual environment will be gone, you should do step 3 again)

  4. To install libraries used in this project, issue the command: pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Last step: python main.py

  6. Use UP and DOWN arrow to increase the speed of the simulation and vice-versa.

  7. To change settings, like resolution etc, edit the settings.py file.