
This is boilerplate with already integrated important packages for Laravel such as spatie-permissions to manage user roles and permission with uuid. Unisharp Filemanager for file management

Primary LanguageHTML

About this Boilerplate

Many developer find it hard to use the following packages all together. It gives you a lot for starting a new project by having three important packages pre-installed and configured . Firstly, this boilerplate uses uuid as primary key for all models instead auto-increment id. Secondly, it has integeration with spatie-permissions and example can be seen in seeders. Thirdly, it has pre-configured unisharip/filemanager with CKEditor, TinyMCE and other examples. Finally, It has a demo link on the homepage.

What is different?

  • Default models to UUID as primary key auto-creation
  • Extended models from Spatie with UUID examples
  • Dataabase migrations with UUID as primary key
  • Seeders for Spatie, Permissions, Roles, Users
  • Using server type of set up for root directory public_html instead of public with "php artisan storage:link" configuration
  • Working demo of Unisharp file manager with pdf and other type documents


  1. clone or download the reporsitory and go into it.

  2. Run commands "composer dump-autoload" and "composer install"

composer install
composer dump-autoload
  1. Run command php artisan key:generate
php artisan key:generate

  1. Go to your .env file and configure database settings and APP_URL APP_URL is imprtant to configure for corrrect path for images uploaded by Unisharp filemanager.

  2. Run these commands "composer require laravel/ui" and "php artisan ui vue --auth"

composer require laravel/ui

php artisan ui vue --auth
  1. Run commands "php artisan:migrate" and "php artisan db:seed". You can create super admin in the seeders.
php artisan:migrate

php artisan db:seed
  1. Important to Read
  • For public as root directory If you want to work with defaut "public" directory by laravel instead of "public_html" then rename and public_html to public and go to Step 8.

  • For public_html as root directory without Laravel Mix If you don't want to compile assets and also dont want to introduce other dependencies then ignore this step and Step 8 and Step 9.

  • For public_html as root directory with laravel mix Ignore Step 8 and Follow this process after Step 9 Copy compiled app.css and app.js from public/css and public/js and repalce app.css into public_html/css/app.css and app.js into public_html/js/app.js
    (I am loooking for fixing this issue if anyone knows please contribute)

  1. We are linking public_html instead of public folder. if you want to use default public folder as root folder then go to Config/filesystem.php and replace
'links' => [
        base_path('/public_html/storage') => storage_path('app/public'),


'links' => [
        public_path('/storage') => storage_path('app/public'),
  1. Run commands "npm install" and "npm run dev".
npm install
npm run dev


npm run production
  1. Run command "php artisan storage:link".
php artisan storage:link
  1. Login to see demo. Go to /demo to see it from views folder rather than vendors or check laravel-filemanager/demo default demo from package.

  2. After Storage linking my application is working fine. You may change lmf.php Optional - If you are using it on a server and root directory is public_html instead of public. Then go to Config/lfm.php Change 'base_directory' => 'public_html'. Check configuration option on Unisharp/filemanager/config.

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Further you can get help from these documentation links or create issue on github.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this integeration, please send an e-mail to Ali Anwar via ali.anwar33@gmail.com.


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.